Confirmation is the sacrament that completes the Christian Initiation into the Catholic Church and empowers the individual with gifts of the Holy Spirit to serve as a faithful steward of God's gifts. Each individual is created in the image and likeness of God, (Gen. 1:26) and is called by baptism to live out that life of Christ imploring their own unique gifts and talents for the good of the Church and community. Confirmation completes that baptismal promise along with the nourishment we receive in the Most Holy Eucharist and sends forth the individual as a disciple of Christ to be a light for others.
The sacrament of Confirmation at St. Ferdinand takes place in the student's 8th grade year in our Parish School and Parish School of Religion (PSR).
Confirmation Program Coordinators:
Mr. Jamie Garza and Dcn. Dave Harpring
For more information, contact the Parish Office.