In the stillness, Lord, I adore You. In the silence, I am with You. Let my heart burn steadily as the flame which points to Your Presence, alight before men, a sign which calls to worship.
We have shared in Your Mysteries. We have joyously offered the Sacrifice of our freedom and feasted on the reality of Your Body and blood. Our prayer, praise, and penance has been offered through You to the eternal Father, in the power of the Spirit.
Our feet have taken us from Your temple into the world bearing You among men, bringing You into the midst of all for whom You died. Now I return, Lord, to the still point where You abide always taking forward in Your tabernacle the movements of our worship, enfolding in Your real Presence all our hopes and longings.
Lord, let me look forward to the celebration of the Mysteries. May these moments with You turn me towards the offering of Your Sacrifice and the feast of Your love.
O Mary, powerful Virgin, you are the mighty and glorious protector of the Church; you are the marvelous help of Christians; you are powerful as an army set in battle array; you alone have destroyed every heresy in the whole world.
In the midst of our anguish, our struggles and our distress, defend us from the power of the enemy and at the hour of our death receive our souls in paradise. Amen.
Dear Jesus, please help us to change. Guide us to Your eternal wisdom so that whatever we do is for Your honor and glory. Make our advancement suit Your desires for us. As You are unchanging, change us to be the people You created us to be.
Show us Your expectations. We keep forgetting and becoming distracted. We are spiritual babies, crawling toward You, but we become mesmerized by the lights, bells and whistles placed around us.
When we tarry, Lord, point us back in the right direction. When we become enthralled with all that we are, remind us of who You are. Direct us always into Your loving embrace.
We have so much, dear Jesus, but we have nothing when we donít have You. Startle us, if You must, with the light of Your truth. Jar us from the glitter and glamour into the harsh reality of our personal responsibilities.
Lead us to options for the poor, ethical standards and practices, respect for life. Help us to see that less is more. Show us the wealth of fewer earthly pleasures and more spiritual pleasures. Draw us to You, dear Jesus.
Don't let us become distracted from You.
Lord, grant that I may always allow myself to be guided by you, always follow Your plans and perfectly accomplish Your holy will.
Grant that in all things, great and small, today and all the days of my life, I may do whatever You require of me. Help me respond to the slightest prompting of Your grace so that I may be Your trustworthy instrument for Your honor.
May Your will be done in time and in eternity by me, in me and through me. Amen.
Lord, You came that Your people might have life, and have it to the fullest. Your ministry was dedicated to it. You healed so many, showed so much compassion for those in need. There is so much healing needed now, Lord.
As I pray for healing, I offer You my faith, as those did who sought You out while You were on earth. The woman said she needed only to touch Your cloak. The lepers came in faith. The blind man asked, ìthat I might see, Lord.
Martha and Mary said that had You been present, Lazarus would not have died. So You brought him back to life, Lord. The Centurion admitted that You didnít even have to return to his home with him to heal; You need only to will it so. How many have You healed, Lord? Physically, emotionally, spiritually?
Divine Physician, I come to You now to ask for healing for (your intention). I bring You this need knowing only You alone have such power. Trusting in Your mercy and compassion, Lord, I place all in Your hands. If it be Your will deliver Your servant from this affliction.
Lord Jesus, may Your healing love be an obvious reflection of Your power and majesty. May it be attributable to You alone and for Your greater honor and glory. May it be a conversion for sinners, a hope for those in need, a beacon of light for those lost. Jesus, I trust in You. Heal, Lord Jesus!
O God, from Whom proceeds all holy desires, all right counsels and all just works; grant unto us Your servants that peace which the world cannot give.
May our hearts be devoted to Your service, and that, being delivered from the fear of our enemies, we may pass our time in peace under Your protection. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Jesus! My Saviour, my Lord! I look at that host at You truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. But what do I see? My mind wanders. What image is created? Do I really need to see some actual image of You?
What image do You see in looking at me? Lord, perhaps I really donít want that question answered. A sinner? Indifference? Lack of love, lack of faith? A life created by You to honor, serve and love You still unconverted? Might You see someone coming to give You just time, or lip service? You said that in Your Gospels, Lord: These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me
Should I see You in Your glory, Lord the risen Christ now at the right hand of the Father? Or in a manger at Bethlehem? Your crucifixion, your pain, Your suffering? Should I see a compassionate Jesus? A God of justice in judgment?
What do You see in looking at me Lord? I can't see the real, human image of You. Do you just see the human image of me? Maybe, I would prefer if You saw me in some other form too. But You said that You came to call sinners. Then, Lord Jesus, I bring You my sins. Heal in me whatever You see that needs healing.
Please see me as one who comes to address the Saviour!
O Lord, You are my Lord and my God, yet I have never seen You. You have created and redeemed me, and have conferred on me all my goods, yet I know You not. I was created in order that I might know You, but I have not yet attained the goal of my creation, I confess, O Lord, and give You thanks, that You have created me in Your image, so that I might be mindful of You and contemplate You, and love You.
I seek not to understand in order that I may believe; rather, I believe in order that I may understand. Amen.
O My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love You! And I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love You.
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